
If you’re considering spray foam insulation for your home, one of the questions that you might be thinking about is how long this spray foam insulation lasts?

Is this a one-time purchase, or will the foam wear down and need to be replaced in the future? As with fiberglass or cellulose, the traditional insulation will break down with time. So how long will foam insulation endure?

We’ve been installing insulation in homes throughout all of the Lower Peninsula for the past 20 years due to the fact that the cellulose and fiberglass in the home aren’t doing their job any longer.

Here’s what you need to know about the longevity of spray foam insulation.

How Do I Know How Long Insulation Lasts?

The life expectancy of traditional insulation should be at least 15 years dependent on the brand.

These insulation materials are known to sag, compress, or lose their insulating abilities as the years go on. This process is sped up if the insulation gets wet.

This isn’t the situation with foam insulation.

The spray foam as well as spray foam insulation is guaranteed to never degrade or change shape over time. Foam insulation is an investment for one time since the material is designed to last for the entire life of the house.

Spray Foam Insulation for your home

If you purchase foam insulation in order to air close the building envelope of your home it won’t be necessary to replace it unless something catastrophic happens.

The life span that foam insulation along with its air seal it provides makes it an ideal choice to make homes more comfortable and efficient in energy use.

If you have any additional concerns about foam insulation you can send us a message!

foam insulation spray

If you’re thinking about insulating your home, you might have been wondering if foam insulation spray is right for you. This premium product can keep your home temperature constant, as it seals up any air leaks in your building envelope. In addition to helping to keep your home warmer or cooler, foam insulation will reduce your energy bills and allergens as well. Listed below are three advantages of foam insulation. Read on to fEind out if it’s the right choice for your home.

Foam insulation spray is made by combining chemical ingredients. The basic ingredients are polyols, catalysts, blowing agents, and water. Some manufacturers add other ingredients for specialized functions. For small areas, you can purchase a 16 oz. can at your local Home Depot. You can also find contractors to spray foam insulation in your area. You can also do a search for local contractors by using Google. The more experienced and reliable the contractor, the better.

Another advantage of foam insulation is its flexibility. The product can be shaped to fit any type of structure. If you’re using it in your home, you can fold, wrap, or cut the foam insulation to fit into your walls. This method can be more expensive than other options, and it can also be time-consuming and expensive. When compared to traditional cellulose insulation, the cost is much lower. However, traditional cellulose insulation absorbs moisture and makes heating and air conditioning systems ineffective. Foam insulation is a far superior solution.

If you’re worried about odors and vapors coming from foam insulation, you should choose a product with broad-spectrum pollutant control. It’s important to ensure that you have proper ventilation in your home. Otherwise, you’ll be trapped with an unclean environment. Also, you should be aware of any potential health risks that could result from poor indoor air quality. For example, your home’s occupants may suffer from asthma, so it’s essential to install ventilation systems.

Closed-cell foam is the most expensive residential insulation. However, it’s worth the extra money because it is far superior to other materials. It is a very effective air barrier, is moisture-resistant, and adds structural strength to your home. It also prevents mold issues like toxic black mold. The closed-cell spray foam has more R-value and is also easier to install. It also works well in walls and ceilings.

Before opting for foam insulation, you should consult a professional and make sure that you hire someone with experience. Avoid do-it-yourself foam insulation kits. Make sure to thoroughly vet a professional installer and ask for references. Ask about their training and whether or not they are aware of the potential risks. The best way to ensure a successful insulation project is to ask for references and make sure the installer has a thorough knowledge of all the possible risks.

The cost of spray foam insulation depends on the type of insulation you’re getting. Depending on how much insulation you need, you can expect to pay $1,284 to $3,741.

Spray foam is exclusive insulation and sealing material. It is applied in situ so that it is able to conform to the surface on which it’s applied. The application procedure creates a secure building envelope that improves efficiency in energy use.

Spray foam insulation and insulation foam sealants are produced by mixing and resolving distinct liquid components. The liquids are extremely reactive when mixed, applied at the site, and expand upon contact, forming foam that insulates, creates gaps, and makes air as well as moisture and barriers to vapors. Spray foam is flexible and can be used to seal wall cavities and exterior walls, as well as attics, crawl spaces as well as small cracks and gaps in the house. Spray foam products are able to limit air entry and air circulation throughout the house which reduces energy consumption prevents the entry of allergens and pollutants and makes the house more comfortable.

The different spray foam type and method of the application provide distinct advantages. The three primary kinds of spray foam which can be utilized to provide insulation and for other purposes:


3 lbs./cubic Ft. Close-cell foam

R-Values start at 5.5 per inch*

A lot of times, they are used for exterior or roofing applications


2 lbs./cubic Ft. Close-cell foam

R-Values start at 5.7 per inch*

Most often employed for continuous insulation as well as internal wall cavity fill, as well as non-vented attic insulation applications


0.5 lbs./cubic feet. Open-cell foam

R-Values start at 3.6 per inch*

Most often, it is used to fill in the interior wall cavity filling and attic insulation applications that are not vented.

*R is resistance towards heat flow. The greater the value of R more powerful the insulating power. Contact your salesperson for the fact sheet about R-value.

Find out More on spray foam R-values by clicking here.


Builders usually opt for higher-density spray foam when high insulation values and strength are required. It is named for the fact that this foam is denser than other kinds made of spray foam. The spray foam is often an ideal option for roofing or any other type of exterior insulation due to its monolithic, seamless nature. The high-density spray foam can also help lower energy costs substantially over the lifetime of a roof because of it’s heat resistance properties. It also offers greater protection against the air as well as water infiltration. It also improves the structure on the extent it is applied. The bond spray foam formed to the roof will increase the structure’s resistance against wind-driven uplift which helps to minimize the damage caused by strong winds.

Additional information on the use of SPF roofing application.


Medium density foam comes applied as two components with low or high-pressure spray foam. Medium-density foam has specific advantages based on the climate as well as the nature of the building for the building in which it is installed. Similar to low-density foam medium-density foam is commonly utilized to provide continuous insulation and interior wall cavity filling, and attic fill that is not vented. Medium-density is, however, an enclosed-cell spray foam that is typically used when there is a need for the most R-value insulation per inch that is possible. Medium-density foam is a good air or vapor water barrier. It may even in reducing the noise.

Medium-density foam can also offer strong tensile as well as bond strength. It is able to have a low vapor permanence and is generally not affected by moisture like rain driven by wind.


Also known as open-cell foam, low-density spray foam is a spray-applied to create uninterrupted insulation as well as an air-sealing sleeve. Low-density SPF can also be referred to as 1/2 pounds foam because it weighs close to 0.5 pounds. for every cubic foot. The foam’s open cell structure provides some flexibility for the foam.

The low-density foam is applied as high or low-pressure dual-component polyurethane spray foam. Low-density spray foam is applied to walls, attics that are not vented, to ceilings and ducts, and in vented crawl spaces. It is referred to for its role as an air barrier, however it is it is permeable to moisture and vapor. It is commonly utilized to fill holes in walls in the course of construction.

Due to its large cell structure Low-density foam remains slightly flexible and soft after it has been cured.. The low-density spray foam can provide thermal insulation and helps seal airflow cracks joints, seams and joints by filling in the gaps. Furthermore, it can also help absorb sound. foam is able to absorb sound because of its soft texture and open cell structure.