Your home needs insulation. But are you ready for all the potential problems that may arise if you do it yourself?
It’s a real dilemma: do you hire a contractor, or do you follow YouTube tutorials to insulate your crawl space, attic, or rim joist yourself?
There are many things you should consider when considering DIY. It would help if you also had a backup plan in the event of an emergency. It is also important to weigh the amount of work it takes to complete the job versus hiring a contractor that can do the same thing in half the time.
ArmorThane is a company that has been in business for more than 30 years. They have experience in insulating homes throughout the world. They know what to do when a DIY project goes wrong.
We have put together a list of six top DIY mistakes that can lead to disaster.
DIY Insulation Solutions
Many things can go wrong, from choosing the wrong insulation material to how long it takes to install the insulation yourself.
These are the top problems you might encounter when installing insulation yourself.
You can’t warranty your own work
A warranty with the work you are having done on your home can come back to save you if there ends up being some unexpected problems.
If you do the work yourself, there is no warranty and it will cost you more money to fix.
It is important to take the time to teach yourself how to do the work
–You will need to learn how to do the job and verify the information that you receive.
It is important to research articles and videos to help you with your insulation project.
Find a reliable source and determine if you have what it takes to complete the task. Bob Vila, HGTV, and the DIY Network are excellent places to start if you’re trying DIY.
Choosing the Right Materials for Your Project Is Very important
You should use the correct type of insulation material to suit the area of your home.
You wouldn’t, for example, use cellulose in your crawl area or rim joint.
Learning what insulation materials best work for the project is only one part of DIY insulation installation.
Materials are not the only thing you’re buying. You will need special tools to install insulation. Also, you will still need supplies such as goggles, fasteners, and gloves to use the caulk or can foam.
It is important to make sure you have an air seal
Insulating and sealing your home is one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to make it more comfortable and energy-efficient.
Creating an air seal can be complicated.
For example, when laying fiberglass insulation, it is important to ensure that the insulation fits perfectly in the cavity. Caulk and can foam are needed to do this. This is a lengthy process and one you might not be familiar with.
You will have a lot of product wasted if you don’t know how fast the foam comes out.
It is important to inspect your work.
After the project is completed in your eyes, inspect it visually and by hand to ensure that the work was done properly.
If you have never done the work yourself or seen the work completed in person, then you are solely basing what you think off of what you saw on the Internet.
When you are inspecting your work for the first time, it can be not easy. You will need to remove insulation material from any areas or gaps you missed and then start over.
It may still be best to hire a contractor.
Missouri is equipped with the knowledge and experience to make your home more comfortable by installing spray or injection foam insulation.
If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of foam insulation, check out the Learning Center on ArmorThane’s website.